The EDG²E Project

The EDG²E project intends to prototype the next generation of gnss receivers which will provide better and safer positioning. EDG²E is an EU funded project supported by a consortium of major European players in aerospace. 

Expected Benefits

All safety of life applications using SBAS DFMC will benefit from a set of common advantages:

Better Accuracy

Galileo satellites by design and new GPS satellites provide GNSS signals on two frequencies, which allow for correction of the ionospheric propagation error in the SBAS DFMC receiver. This compensation at the receiver level provides a better accuracy than existing single frequency GPS receivers.

Better Availability

In challenging satellite masking conditions there will be twice as many satellites in view to compute the position. It will greatly enhance the availability of positioning performance.

Better Integrity

Galileo and GPS constellations have been designed by completely segregated teams and provide the service through distinct satellites and ground control stations. It is then possible to exploit this duality and enhance the integrity performances.

How Does It Work?

Website put into orbit by Digitanie


ARAIM: Advanced Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring

ARINC: Aeronautical Radio Incorporated (provides aeronautical standard)

CONOPS: A CONcept of OPerationS is a document describing the operational use of a proposed system

DFMC: Dual Frequency Multi Constellation

EASA: European Aviation Safety Agency

EDG²E: Equipment for Dual Frequency Galileo GPS and EGNOS

EGNOS: European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Service

ERTMS: European Rail Traffic Management System

ETSO: European Technical Standard Order. Defined by EASA, it gives the requirements that an airborne equipment must meet.

EUROCAE: EURopean Organization for Civil Aviation Equipment

FAA: Federal Aviation Administration (US)

FDE: Fault Detection and Exclusion (detects the presence of a failing satellite and removes it from the positoning)

GNSS: Global Navigation Satellite System

GPS: Global Positioning System

EUSPA: European Union Agency for the Space Programme

ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization

MOPS: Minimum Operation Performance Standards

PBN: Performance-Based Navigation

PVT: Position, Velocity and Time estimation

RAIM: Receiver Autonomous Integrity Monitoring

RF FRONT END: Radio Frequency frond end

RTCA: Radio Technical Commission for Aeronautics

SARPS: Standards and Recommended Practices

SBAS: Space Based Augmentation System

TSO: Technical Standards Orders